Monday, May 24, 2010

Expectations for the New President on the Improvement of the PNR

As a railway enthusiast, I am going to say that I was very happy with the way that the outgoing administration greatly improved our national railways. From the removing of IS to the changing its century old wooden ties into concrete ones, remodeling of the stations and of course the new rolling stock. Before this administration, we all know that PNR is the complete opposite of what it is today.

Now the challenge for the new government is at least to maintain it or better, to improve it. Given that the mother of the current president-apparent caused the downfall of the PNR (Closing Northrail, Mandaluyong Line, Carmona Line and Line to Bay), I hope that he could change that and be the president that will cause the rebirth of our railway system which was once, considered as the greatest in Sout East Asia.

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