Sunday, May 23, 2010

Palawan Food Trip

Last April we went to one of the most exciting place in the Philippines, Palawan. We went there not only to explore nature but also to indulge ourselves into its exotic cuisine. We started our food trip at the Balinsasayaw Restaurant. It was really a very savory meal. We ordered a huge plater that is more than enough for our family to eat. In the platter we had delicately grilled squid and grilled Liempo (pork), Exceptionally fresh Crabs sauteed in garlic butter and grilled tuna. We also had a very refreshing mango salad. And of course, we had the restaurant's specialty, Balinsasayaw Soup - which is also known as Bird's Nest Soup, which is arguably the cheapest in the Philippines, for only 350 pesos, (compared to 2500 pesos in Manila) given that Palawan is a producer of its main ingredient: the birds nest. After that sumptous meal, we then proceeded to our city tour.

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